
Agency Care (European Sales & Marketing Reperesentative)

Travel Design & Consulting


The Story

Fallen in love with New Zealand, Australia and the South Pacific Islands…

Fascinated and inspired by these exceptional destinations and excited about tourism industry I decided running my own business with the target to share this beautiful “Down Under Story” with other passionate travellers.

As New Zealand, Australia and the South Pacific have so much to offer, not only the countries with all its facets but also tourism wise, I decided to pick the special bits and pieces and concentrate on the inspiring, luxury experiences. I want to show the European travel industry what’s out there and why it’s so unique.

Having different experiences in the tourism industry (travel consultant for FIT and groups, sales support, product management, destination manager, travel design, sales representative etc.) allows me to share those and enables me to understand the different perspectives.

I travelled through Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific Islands numerous times, but by saying this I am always ready for a new journey.

My Clients / Business Partners

The Travel Insiders

Imagine NZ Travel

Australian Impressions

New Zealand Impressions

South Pacific Impressions


The Finest Feeling Of Oceania by Christin Baumann

Phone:   +49 (0) 17643261319



Address: Hauptstraße 24, 08373 Remse / Germany